Spin, Spin, Spin
A few hours ago the president of the US chided his critics for not supporting the liberation of Iraq. Bush is once again acting like being led to a WAR on false pretenses and then getting some collateral benefit such as Saddam Hussein's removal makes him some kind of great leader. He feels like investigations into prewar manipulation of intelligence are strictly political in nature. He is critical of those who voted for the war and are now not supporting the administrations strategies (whatever they are). I agree that those in Congress who voted for the war have shaky ground from which to criticize. If they are voted out over the next few years I say it serves them right. Fortunately, there are several who didn't vote for the war who are speaking out strongly. In the case of the former group, I can at least respect the leader who acknowledges that a mistake was made and wants to correct it, especially when lives are at stake. In my opinion, Bush has not admitted a mistake or taken responsibility for poor choices since he took office. Now he's claiming we're in Iraq in order to liberate the Iraqi people. That's not why he told the American people it was necessary to go to war. He claimed WMD's. Remember the Colin Powell dog-and-pony-show at the UN? Remember Condi Rice's mushroom cloud statements? The cost of the war was to be minimal. Those who thought differently were booted out of the way. Were those just tongue in cheek, Mr. Pres? And now we find out that the stories your staff referenced to support their claims were fed to the reporters who wrote them? WMD's, according to you, were an emergency situation. Without the potential for a nuke you didn't think you'd get the votes to go to war. Without the nukes there might have been debate about the best course of action. Alternatives to war might have been offered and agreed upon. We couldn't have that! What would Halliburton, Bechtel, and Lockheed Martin say? Wouldn't want to get a but chewing from THOSE GUYS! Bush can whine about criticism all he wants. It is sad to watch as the most powerful individual in the world is unable to engage his critics in real, intelligent dialogue or even argument. His only recourse is say that criticism helps the enemy. What a response. My high school debate team would have shredded our fearless leader.
Bush believes that an outward display of strength and infallibility is more important that the lives of our soldiers. His behavior is reminiscent of the days when royalty would go to war with each other over personal slights with little concern over the blood spilt in protection of personal honor. Bush has had plenty of opportunities to act like a human being and show a reasonable approach to obstacles, problems, and even unexpected success. He has instead bullied his way through in an obstinate "kid everyone hated in 3rd grade" display of intolerance to anything that doesn't aline with his narrow agenda. If he had held others and himself accountable, considered diverse input and options, and recognized mistakes and moved to correct them then I could at least give him a respectful hearing. I must say that his speech today is the proverbial straw and my back's busted. What little respect I had for him earlier is gone. I wouldn't want the man left alone with the family silver or my kids. When he opens his mouth I assume he's lying. I don't mean that as in the old joke about politicians- I mean it in the sad realization that a person is pathologically intent on doing ill toward others and can't see it in themselves and won't seek any kind of help. My prayers are that somehow something can happen to stop him from doing more harm because he doesn't see any harm in what he's doing. Gridlock sounds like a blessing from heaven at this point. He sees all of his actions as good. Nothing about Bush is funny anymore. His messianic complex is killing people. His behavior is not deserving of any level of respect. He is a dangerous embarrassment.
We've had people in power who did a bad job and who were their own best fans. We've only had a few who were literally responsible for the death of thousands of people while thinking they were on a mission from God. Three years looks like a very, very long time.
Bush believes that an outward display of strength and infallibility is more important that the lives of our soldiers. His behavior is reminiscent of the days when royalty would go to war with each other over personal slights with little concern over the blood spilt in protection of personal honor. Bush has had plenty of opportunities to act like a human being and show a reasonable approach to obstacles, problems, and even unexpected success. He has instead bullied his way through in an obstinate "kid everyone hated in 3rd grade" display of intolerance to anything that doesn't aline with his narrow agenda. If he had held others and himself accountable, considered diverse input and options, and recognized mistakes and moved to correct them then I could at least give him a respectful hearing. I must say that his speech today is the proverbial straw and my back's busted. What little respect I had for him earlier is gone. I wouldn't want the man left alone with the family silver or my kids. When he opens his mouth I assume he's lying. I don't mean that as in the old joke about politicians- I mean it in the sad realization that a person is pathologically intent on doing ill toward others and can't see it in themselves and won't seek any kind of help. My prayers are that somehow something can happen to stop him from doing more harm because he doesn't see any harm in what he's doing. Gridlock sounds like a blessing from heaven at this point. He sees all of his actions as good. Nothing about Bush is funny anymore. His messianic complex is killing people. His behavior is not deserving of any level of respect. He is a dangerous embarrassment.
We've had people in power who did a bad job and who were their own best fans. We've only had a few who were literally responsible for the death of thousands of people while thinking they were on a mission from God. Three years looks like a very, very long time.
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